Water World
January 28, 2021
Water Pollution in Alaska Present and
In developing Alaska, an eco-system
approach to water pollution control Will prevents mistakes. "Frederick B. Lotspeich"
Many people think vaguely of Alaska as a Vast wasteland, dominated by ice
and snow. They visualize its resources as unspoiled, believing that the state’s sparse population and the relatively low stage of technical development have an insignificant impact on the land. This is true to some extent through an accurate evaluation requires some qualifying.
Unspoiled Wilderness Evidence:
Alaska is a largely unspoiled wilderness
evidence of man’s polluting influence on this northern environment is minimal. Winter’s
are long cold, and dark, the summer, however,
are warm, with the long hours of sunlight each day, permitting rapid growth of
Alaska's Waters, although largely
unpolluted at present, are locally pol, in several by pulp mills, fish
packing, and municipalities. The pollution is serious and will before abatement
measures arc put into effect, is especially in oil am lumbering. Which will
despite e that of development? Water pollution prevention must be emphasized as
Alaska enters a new chapter in its history.
A Program For Water Pollution In Alaska:
Any program for water pollution in Alaska must consider the natural
environment and the possibility of man's this environment, particularly the
wastes generated by the ad of its and relative. Lack of
in its waters, Alaska offers an opportunity to establish a game of the
eco-system. The comment problem not be solved with existing
knowledge. Several features of
Alaska's natural and social environments are on the
following pages as a string to this state's programs for pollution control.
In his introduction to the Department of the
Interior's Yearbook, Third Wave (1), Laurance Rockefeller refers to the
eco-system approach as the modern method of conservation, This approach
Stresses an understanding of ecology, with all its ramifications, as necessary
to knowledgeable conservation of the resources which man depends for survival, Much
needs to be learned about this ecological approach. Without an understanding of man's role in ecosystem
dynamics, conservation measures, however, intended, frequently fail because of unforeseen
effects. Water pollution is an example of a degraded environment caused by man's dumping
of his waste into marine and fresh water and debasing these ecosystems in varying degrees.
In its report to the Federal
Council for Science and Technology,
describing the results of its study of waste management
and control (2), the Committee on Pollution recommends a logical approach to control,
This report emphasizes the need to attain, through research, a better understanding
of ecosystem dynamics as a basis
for predicting how will affect the receiving waters.
Irreparable damage can be prevented by applying the knowledge thus gained. Research should be programmed to anticipate, investigate, payment the problems before they are upon us.
Alaska must stress such programming pollution prevention costs less than abatement after the waters are degraded.
The facts of the search for, and development of resources, in these environments, in Alaska.

Alaska is an inviting industry that demands certain
raw materials. Economic expansion here depends on the industry, but polluted
waters early are taken to permit water quality degradation. The top-level
industrial accepts this of its are the industry's responsibility and affordable
cost production. Sinh attitudes aced fostering pollution the entire society
industrial profits accrue when in- pollution control agencies work harmoniously
in the public interest. With these thoughts before us, tet turns to Alaska's
water pollution problems scrutinizes the unique features of Alaskan ecosystems,
and corn this with the other 49 states. There is much to be learned about if we
are to vent widespread.
The run MD taiga I of large a may by for to his
technology. Pruit (3)
describes how the taiga responds to man’s activities and point out that the
delicate balance of these northern ecosystems is easily upset by man-made
interferences. The search for, and development of resources, in these environments, can easily lead to their destructions unless we
have the foresight and knowledge to prevent it. Let us now
look at A1aska as it is
today and how it is developing.
To gain an idea of management problems,
consider that is the farthest north of the 50 most of it lies between 600 and
700 N. the largest city, is 61'N and is 1300 miles kilometers) west mites North
of Seattle. The principal city's on the lies due north
Of is only 2.50 south Of the Arctic Circle. Figure a map Of Alaska over the
continental United Stato main landmass of Alaska, 586.3m) square miles. The
puts of central states and is about the area of continental United
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