Water Crisis In Cape Town is really a big issue.

Cape Town water crisis. 

Cape Town's water crisis this summer should be the same concern for all engineers who specialize in water management. How allowed such a critical situation to be allowed to come from one of the South Big cities in Africa? What can we learn from this process?

Pro 'Mike Muller


University of the Witwatersrand

Gavemarce School,

Cape Town is facing a water crisis that has already taken place on the road two years ago. Already, in 2015, concerns were raised when it happened it was found that the levels of the dam were unacceptably low after the lower level-mid-winter rain in 2014/15. Level 2 restrictions were in place launched in January 2016, aimed at reducing consumption, but not in agriculture. In January 2017, there are six dams for the Cape Town project reported to be 42% (down from 51% at the same time last year), Metro Municipality has announced the introduction of stricter legislation Level 3b limits from February indicates the reduction is used. Gardens, stadiums, and parks can only be measured twice a week, using a bucket or watering can; restrictions applied for users with their boreholes; 20,000 water users the highest they should have been identified with "punitive measures such as fines for violating the law or devices to prevent installation if do not reduce their use by 20% and municipal swimming-mixing pools are closed. The situation has not improved, despite the restrictions. 

At the end of April, this was clearly shown when storage at Heewaterskloof, the largest dam in the system, are compared only to 2016 with 53.9% in April 2015. The Capetonians then calculated the number of days that the water was available they - on World Water Day (March 22 this year) were like that said that, as the plan stood at 28.6%, there were only 101 days left to deliver. By May 29 the system's storage was available down to 22%. The restrictions were reasonable, while decisions were made Limits are best done as soon as the official rainy season is over January 201/3 with the Cape Town program six dams reported to be 42% (down from 51% at the same time last year), Metro The municipality has announced the launch of Strict Level 3b restrictions from 1 February, targeted at the use of a 30% reduction. Professor Muller was the Director-General of the Department at the time Water and Forestry from Igg7 to 2005 again, During working for the National Planning Commission. was part of the team that prepared the 2030 National development Plan. is over, the system first has to be analyzed, and managed requirements are met before restrictions are introduced. But why had the city reached the point where its goods were they in so much danger? Although SAWS (South African WeatherService) rain network continues to decline, its Seasonal rainfall estimates for 2014, '15 and 2015/16 periods were not much lower than usual, and only in the second half During the 2016/17 rainy season the rainfall fell below 75% of the average (see Figure I). When a lot of Cape Town water came out small dams are in danger of drying out in the area spells, seasonal estimates from 2010 to 2016 show that moderate rainfall was only one part of the problem. Increased water use was also important. This systematically tracked and reported by Strategy The Steering Committee oversees the implementation of the Department of Water Affairs' (DWA) Western Cape Water Supply System (WCWSS) Reconciliation Strategy.


To understand what happened, we must start with the file DWA's First Reconciliation Strategy (2007) for the WCWSS Research took the traditional approach to planning water supply. It didn't make one appearance a future need, but provide a range of high and low ratings. 

The conclusion was clear:

"In the event of CCT being successful in its eight-year term WC / WDM strategy, in which case the next intervention may be delayed up to 201S While CCT was present specifically stated, it is equally important to all other Water Services Authorities at the WCWSS feed station to use their WC / WDM techniques programs. 


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